The holidays is supposed to be one of the happiest times of the year, especially for the kids. There are decorations around the house, advent calendars, school activities, baking, and making sure all the gifts are under the tree. Sometimes though, when it falls to us to make the holidays special for others, we can end up neglecting our own needs.
In addition, there are people who aren’t happy at the holidays for various reasons. Some have experienced a loss, others have Seasonal Affective Disorder or another mental health condition. Others come from unhappy families that can make the holidays feel like a burden.
If you aren’t feeling happy and merry this holiday, that’s ok.
Even if you are happy, you may still end up taking on too much. Whatever the case, making time for self-care during the holidays is key. Do something every day that makes you feel good about yourself. It can be a few minutes of yoga, journaling, taking a bubble bath, or whatever helps you have a reset for your mental health.
One easy way to take care of yourself during the holidays is by saying affirmations. You can write them on cards to have easily accessible throughout the day, or say them to yourself in the morning while looking in the mirror. How ever you choose to say them, it’s a great way to give your day a boost!
Here are some sample affirmations you can use to start your day off on a positive note.
This holiday season, I hope that you are filled with love and joy. I hope that you are being self-aware enough to take some quiet time for yourself, and to make sure that you set boundaries and say no to things that aren’t serving you.
We always talk about kindness to others, but it is important to have kindness with yourself as well. There is only one person you are going to spend every day for the rest of your life with - yourself. That’s why it’s important to be intentional about the way you spend your time, both during the holidays and all year round.
Love yourself the way you would love a precious child. Show yourself grace, patience and kindness. Allow yourself space to do the things you really want to do. Find something that brings you true joy, and follow your joy!
Wishing you a blessed weekend and holiday season!
All the best,
Nicole Dake